What Medications Do and What They Don’t

This is a big question for patients. It speaks to individual and societal expectations that we collectively heap onto medications. We see advertisements with happier faces after taking a specific drug, that we should “Talk to your doctor about.” We know of people who are taking antianxiety and antidepressant medications for mental health symptoms ranging…

person with holiday anxiety looking out window

Dealing with Holiday Anxiety

Holidays are a time for relaxation and celebration. But for many individuals, it can be a time of stress, anxiety, and dread. Planning parties, meeting people’s expectations, and juggling different priorities can significantly affect one’s mental and physical health. However, with the right help and support, managing holiday anxiety shouldn’t be difficult. If you or…

family support in recovery

Having Family Support in Recovery

Individuals struggling with a substance use disorder often feel isolated and that they are fighting their battle alone. While it is true that those suffering from addiction or mental health disorders tend to withdraw from friends and family, their problems do not occur in a vacuum. Addiction is a disease that impacts the lives of…