a woman trying different ways to manage anxiety

Ways to Manage Anxiety

It can be quite a challenge for individuals who struggle with anxiety disorders to learn how best to manage anxiety. Fortunately, anxiety is one of the most treatable mood disorders people face. Millions of Americans every year seek anxiety treatment for issues ranging from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorders,…


NCAD West: Rise Above the Challenges. Revolutionize Addiction Recovery. Reform Patient Outcomes. Recover Together

Mon Aug 17th – Wed 19th Disneyland Hotel, 1150 West, Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802 map  In support of her books, The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation and The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation: A Comprehensive Workbook, Cyndi Tuner with Craig James will co-present Practicing Alcohol Moderation: A Harm Reduction Alternative to the Abstinence-Only Model, Monday August 17, 2020. NCAD West is the premier…


NCAD East: Rise Above the Challenges. Revolutionize Addiction Recovery. Reform Patient Outcomes. Recover Together.

Fri Jul 31st – Sun Aug 2nd Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, 625 South President Street, Baltimore, MD, 21202 map  In support of her books, The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation and The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation: A Comprehensive Workbook, Cyndi Tuner with Craig James will co-present Practicing Alcohol Moderation: A Harm Reduction Alternative to the Abstinence-Only Model, Friday July 31, 2020. NCAD East…


We are the collective creator …. Healthy Covid-19 Habits

We are the collective creator of our own agony. It is time for a re-awakening of consciousness when we recognize the best in ourselves and overcome the worst. ~Lawrence Overmire Americans are increasingly housebound and left to their own devices as the Covid-19 quarantine stretches into months. Measured reactions to the stress, boredom, and loneliness…
