counselor in office answering the question what is medication management for a client in need

What Is Medication Mangement? Is It Right for You?

Medication management is a structured service designed to help people make the most out of their prescribed medications, especially when managing mental health and substance use disorders. This essential approach to care involves coordinated monitoring, adjusting, and guidance on medication use to achieve better mental wellness and stability. At Insight Into Action Therapy in Northern…

counselor and patient discussing the baker act in virginia

Baker Act Law in Virginia (Process for Involuntary Treatment)

Navigating the complexities of treatment for individuals struggling with severe substance use or emotional challenges can be overwhelming. In Virginia, there are legal mechanisms to help individuals receive the care they need, even if they are initially unwilling to participate. One such mechanism is the process of involuntary treatment. Whether you’re seeking help through mental…


Sober Curiosity – Listen to Insight’s Cyndi Turner Discuss Alcohol Moderation

Insight’s Cyndi Turner was featured on the Keep Yourself Well podcast with Kalli Youngstrom of KY Wellness to discuss the spectrum of alcohol use and alcohol moderation. Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC speaks widely about alcohol moderation, has written several books on the subject and is passionate spreading the message of harm reduction and…


Back to School Anxiety

Returning to school can be an exhilarating yet anxiety-inducing experience for students of all ages. This transition, marked by the end of summer and the start of a new academic year, brings a mix of emotions that can affect students’ well-being. Understanding and addressing these feelings is crucial for fostering a positive and productive learning…

person using laptop to research the science behind process addictions

The Science Behind Process Addictions

Process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions, are compulsive behaviors that provide a sense of reward or relief similar to substance use but without the involvement of drugs or alcohol. From gambling and shopping to eating and internet use, these behaviors can become as disruptive and damaging as any substance addiction. Understanding the science behind…

person in counseling focusing on understanding dialectical behavior therapy

Understanding Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a unique and effective therapeutic approach designed to help individuals manage emotional distress, improve interpersonal relationships, and develop coping strategies for life’s challenges. For those considering a dialectical behavior therapy program, it’s essential to understand the principles and techniques that make DBT a powerful tool in mental health treatment. The…

patient and counselor in teen mental health treatment program in Ashburn VA

Where Can I Find a Teen Mental Health Treatment Program in Ashburn, VA?

Finding the right support for your teenager’s mental well-being is crucial for their development and overall happiness. Unfortunately, in Virginia, adolescents and young adults are struggling with various mental health challenges. The Virginia Department of Health reports that between 2016 and 2021, there has been a rise in the number of teenagers facing significant emotional…
