One of the biggest stressors for parents is teen drinking. It is very dangerous, and can affect not only teenagers, but also the people in their lives. Drinking can lead to alcohol abuse or addiction, both of which cause serious problems with mental and physical health.
It is important to discuss the dangers of teen drinking with your child, and know the signs of addiction or alcohol abuse. If you suspect that your teen is suffering from one of these, you need to get them treatment as soon as possible. If you are looking for an adolescent treatment center, then contact Insight Into Action Therapy at 703.935.8544.
Alcoholism in Teens
Alcoholism in teens has become a growing issue. Too often they think that they are immune to the effects of alcohol, and do not consider the consequences. Teens who drink oftentimes find themselves taking part in risky behaviors, and making bad decisions that could affect them later. There are many reasons why a teenager might start drinking, such as:
- Peer pressure
- Thrill of risk
- Stress from school
- Genetics
It is easy to get carried away with drinking, especially if the people who you are around are also doing it. There is a lot of social pressure when it comes to alcohol, and teenagers can feel like they’re missing out or won’t fit in if they are not drinking, which is not true. Because excessive drinking can lead to alcoholism, it is important that your teen receives treatment as soon as they start showing signs or symptoms.
Dangers of Teen Drinking
There are many risks that come with teen drinking. It can cause damage to your mental and physical health, and even impact your social life. Because teenagers have not fully matured, they don’t always realize the consequences that come with alcohol consumption.
People are more prone to accidents when they are under the influence of alcohol. Car crashes, vandalism, and fighting are common when you are not in the right state of mind. You are also damaging your brain development by drinking too much.
Your mental health will also suffer if you drink regularly. Excessive alcohol use can lead to depression and anxiety. It can also affect how you do in school, and how you interact with your friends. You might become more aloof, and not care as much about the important things in your life.
Teen Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
Of course, one of the biggest risks that comes with drinking is developing alcohol abuse or addiction. Teen alcohol abuse and addiction can show in different ways, but some common signs include:
- Seclusion
- Frequently angry or irritated
- Excessive lying
- Spending time with a new group of people
Teen addiction and alcohol abuse can cause problems with brain development, slow down puberty, and cause mental health issues. You may notice that your teen is hiding things from you, or has stopped showing interest in things that they used to be passionate about.
It is important for teens suffering from addiction or alcohol abuse to get treatment. There are different options, including inpatient programs, intensive outpatient programs. Because teens are more likely to have depression or anxiety along with addiction, they can also do a dual diagnosis program.
Find Help at Insight Into Action Therapy
Teenagers deal with a lot of different stressors in their lives. From school, to social pressures, there is a lot that could cause them to want to find some sort of relief, even if that comes in the form of alcohol.
At Insight Into Action Therapy, our aim is to make sure that your teen not only goes through recovery, but finds healthier ways of coping with stress. To learn more about our programs, contact us at 703.935.8544.